Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 More. . .

1. I'm a teacher, a daughter, a sister, an auntie, a girlfriend, a friend.

2. I'm imperfect but saved by the grace of God.

3. I have a tendency towards randomness and moodiness, which means I'm all girl.

4. I'm eternally optimistic.

5. If I'm upright and breathing, I'm happy.

6. I aspire to be "sophisticated and alluring."

7. My boyfriend is pretty much the raddest guy ever. Really.

8. I grew up in Anaheim, lived in Orange, San Francisco, and Bakersfield. How I ended up in Hanford is a pretty long story.

9. I've worked for Disneyland, Polygram Records, and many restaurants in between.

10. I've got a passport with two stamps in it. I'd like more.

11. I'm a sucker for a great sense of humor.

12. On any given day I've got a crush on someone. Today it might be you.

13. When I lived in SF, I used to meet random foreigners and invite them to crash on our living room floor.

14. That behavior did not go over well with my roommates.

15. Back in the day I could carry a tray full of drinks, over my head, through a crowded dance floor, and not spill a drop.

16. I put myself through college working as a bartender.

17. I don't like when people become too big for their britches.

18. I wonder what my 3rd graders tell their parents about their teacher.

19. I'm constantly wondering what I can do to be a better educator.

20. If I decide to get my Masters it'll be in Educational Technology.

21. Both my dogs came from shelters.

22. I've been thrown from the same horse twice.

23. I will probably never ride a horse again.

24. If my best friend was a man, she'd be the perfect husband.

25. I've had a number of nicknames: Pooh, Tumbleweed, Chica, Luu. Luu was the only one that stuck.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Paradigm shift. . .

I pulled down and dusted off all my healthy cookbooks from a couple years ago.

I went to Sizzler with my boyfriend, ordered the salad bar, and filled up on lots of vegetables (and fruit for desert).

I've been bringing healthy snacks to school, and it really helps at the end of a long day.

I ordered two new "Eat This Not That" books, which have interesting information (though I'm not sure how practical they are).

My trainer commented on my last blog and I'm glad that he's so motivated.

I'm going to purchase Shaun T's Hip Hop for Kids Workout and can't wait to show it in the classroom.

I'm pretty sure my boyfriend and his daughter are going to be sick of hearing me talk about portion size and calories from now until forever.

Time management will be my biggest obstacle.

Saturday's just a number of hours away, and I'm excited.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Reality bites. . .

Ever since receiving the call on Friday afternoon I've began to consciously notice all the temptations around me. The majority of my life seems to revolve around food. And I'm really, really starting to get nervous. How will I handle Friday night bible study? Dinner and fellowship are such a HUGE part of our evening, and nothing's ever low cal. Or Sunday school, where there's always a box of sugary, glazed, chocolaty donuts sitting helplessly on the counter? Or Friday 'snack day' in the staff lounge? Or just the everyday lure of the local fast food joint after a long day with 3rd graders?

(All these thoughts are driving me just a little bit crazy. . .)

I've been trying to keep Pastor Jeff's sermon at the front of my brain for most of the day. He said that there are two things that God wants from us: 1) To be born again (Jn 3:3-7), and 2) To Grow in our faith (1 Cor 3:1-2). I'm looking at this challenge as just that. An opportunity to grow in my faith with fellow believers who share more than one common goal.

So what's the prize for me? Not the extrinsic, though it would be a definite added bonus to be able to continue with In-Shape through the remainder of the summer. But for me the prize will be any amount of weight that I'm able to take off in the time provided to me. The big prize is the start, and hopefully the continuation, of a whole new healthy future doing what God has planned for my life.

Friday, January 23, 2009

I have a picture, pinned to my wall. . .

Two and a half years ago, when I received my first high cholesterol diagnosis I went into a bit of a panic, called my mother ('cause that's what I do), and cried for an hour thinking I was certain to die at any minute (I can be a bit over dramatic that way). I decided then and there that I was going to do everything on the laundry list of items that my doctor had suggested to improve my condition. I started walking daily, rain or shine, joined Nutrisystem, and quit fast food cold turkey. It was a major shift, for me, in how I'd lived my life in the past, and I found that the weight came off relatively easily. In roughly four months I'd lost almost 30 lbs, I was back in my "skinny clothes" (which for me was a size 10/12), and could see a visible difference in the shape of my body, most specifically in my face.

Shortly after the initial weight loss I was challenged with a bout of sciatica, which if you've never dealt with it, is excruciatingly painful. Standing hurt, walking hurt, sitting hurt. I spent one morning on my hands and knees, just before I was due at school, and had to call a girl friend to come get my plan book so that a sub could be booked to teach my class. It was a frightening experience, but more disappointing was my lack of ability (and drive) to continue the weight loss/exercise program I had become accustomed to. Thankfully, with physical therapy the sciatica ceased and I was back in the swing of things. Mostly.

About the time of my recovery I met a fantastic guy, who to this day treats me like gold. I was 25 pounds lighter when we met but that doesn't seem to bother him, which is one of the many reasons I love him so. I will say, however, that because he loves me unconditionally I've been less than motivated to take off the excess weight. Do I blame him for that? Absolutely not. I happen to be well aware of my own motivations and desires. And, honestly, I let the workout/weight loss thing go. I just did. It's easy to fall into old habits after they've been well established, as I'm sure you understand. And when I looked in the mirror, I didn't see a major difference. I mentioned to a friend of mine once: I'm pretty sure I have the opposite of anorexia. I don't truly see myself as 'heavy' until I see myself in pictures.

I have a picture pinned to the wall of classroom, in the mix of the foggy day schedules, student drawings, and pictures of friends. It's a picture of my boyfriend and me shortly after we started dating, and it's a reminder of all the hard work I'd put into getting healthier years ago. It was also the motivating factor for my entering the KDUV In-shape Challenge. Ultimately, I know what I need to do to lose the weight, and how I need to do it. When I applied I thought that the opportunity to have the kick-in-the-pants from others in the same position as I, well, was too much of a break to pass up.

Cari called me yesterday afternoon while I sat at my desk after school. I was up to my eyeballs in paperwork and trying to recover from "rainy day schedule" when she shared that I'd made the Hanford team. I was beyond excited to learn the news, but I'm not sure I sounded it. I'm looking forward to having the chance to say 'thank you' personally to the staff at KDUV, especially LJ (for coming up with the promotion in the first place). I am monumentally thankful to be on this journey.

God has put me on this path for a reason. I give thanks for the direction and am determined to do great things with the opportunity provided me.

Friday, January 2, 2009

16 things

Mr. Zellous challenged us to write a note with 16 random things, shortcomings, facts, habits or goals about ourselves. At the end of that process we were instructed to choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why we chose them. I'm also supposed to tag Mr. Z, but he's done this before so I may spare him the redundancy of it all.

For your reading pleasure:

1: Since I moved away from home I've never lived anywhere for more than five years at a time, that is until I moved to Hanford, where I've been for almost 13 years.

2: I did TV commercials and print ads when I was a child.

3: Back in the day, when my father came home from work, my siblings and I would bounce at the side of the dishwasher and chant, "Yay, yay, daddy's home!"

4. My sister and I sing the lyrics to Song Sung Blue by Neil Diamond in our own special way ("song sung blue, we know, we know, weeee know").

5. I worked for Disneyland for five years (no, I wasn't a character, but I did try out once).

6. My four front teeth are fake. I knocked the originals out while twirling rifle in high school.

7. I never wanted to be married or have children. I think I've changed my mind about that.

8. I still worry about what my parents think of me.

9. Some of my best memories come from living in San Francisco in the 90's.

10. Some of my worst memories come from living in San Francisco in the 90's.

11. I was in an abusive relationship for four years. I can't, to this day, even tell you why.

12. If I could afford to have plastic surgery, I'd get my nose done.

13. I used to think people who were "born again" were crazy, until I became one of them.

14. I cry very, very easily.

15. I aspire to be sophisticated and alluring.

16. In high school I wanted to be a teacher. In college I wanted to be a stage actress. Now I can say I do a little of both in front of my students.

I've decided not to tag anyone. But I'd love to read your "16 things."