Thursday, December 20, 2012

Twenty-five more . . .

1. I'm chronologically the oldest of three, but I'm pretty sure I'm the most immature.

 2. As a child I modeled, was in a television commercial, played guitar, accordian, and soccer.  I was never really GREAT at any of them.

 3.  I always thought my parents were way too hard on me. . .until I became a teacher.

 4.  I worked at Disneyland for 4 years, and no I wasn't a character (although I did audition once).

 5.  I didn't find my confidence until my sophomore year of high school when I joined theater.

 6.  In high school I predicted that I would never be married or have children.

 7.  I love to sing, mostly in the shower or in the car where nobody else has to hear me.

 8.  While living in SF, I had a bad habit of inviting random travelers to spend the night in our apartment.

 9.  I've made some pretty poor decisions over the years but I don't regret one of them.

 10.  I walk slowly and don't often pay attention to where I'm going.

 11.  It's a really good thing I don't have to deal with money for a living.

 12.  I always see the good in people.  Always.

 13.  I didn't intend on becoming a teacher.  I didn't think I'd be very good at it.

 14.  I have my father's temperament.

 15.  I couldn't pronounce the word 'gum' when I was little, and for the longest time I called it 'dumb'.

 16.  I loved, loved, loved to skateboard and roller skate.

 17.  Most people have described me as "cute".  I'm still holding out for "sophisticated and alluring".

 18.  I struggle with my faith.  Daily.

 19.  Every year there's at least one student I want to adopt.

 20.  I cry really, really easily.  Especially when I'm frustrated.

 21.  I don't hold my pencil properly.

 22.  I have a hard time falling asleep unless the TV's on.

 23.  I wish I lived in Arizona.

 24.  I think politics tends to bring out the worst in people.

 25.  I miss my family every day, and I don't tell them that enough.

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