1. I'm a teacher, a daughter, a sister, an auntie, a girlfriend, a friend.
2. I'm imperfect but saved by the grace of God.
3. I have a tendency towards randomness and moodiness, which means I'm all girl.
4. I'm eternally optimistic.
5. If I'm upright and breathing, I'm happy.
6. I aspire to be "sophisticated and alluring."
7. My boyfriend is pretty much the raddest guy ever. Really.
8. I grew up in Anaheim, lived in Orange, San Francisco, and Bakersfield. How I ended up in Hanford is a pretty long story.
9. I've worked for Disneyland, Polygram Records, and many restaurants in between.
10. I've got a passport with two stamps in it. I'd like more.
11. I'm a sucker for a great sense of humor.
12. On any given day I've got a crush on someone. Today it might be you.
13. When I lived in SF, I used to meet random foreigners and invite them to crash on our living room floor.
14. That behavior did not go over well with my roommates.
15. Back in the day I could carry a tray full of drinks, over my head, through a crowded dance floor, and not spill a drop.
16. I put myself through college working as a bartender.
17. I don't like when people become too big for their britches.
18. I wonder what my 3rd graders tell their parents about their teacher.
19. I'm constantly wondering what I can do to be a better educator.
20. If I decide to get my Masters it'll be in Educational Technology.
21. Both my dogs came from shelters.
22. I've been thrown from the same horse twice.
23. I will probably never ride a horse again.
24. If my best friend was a man, she'd be the perfect husband.
25. I've had a number of nicknames: Pooh, Tumbleweed, Chica, Luu. Luu was the only one that stuck.
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