So it's official. It's a go. Game on. The teams met on Saturday at the KDUV studio in Visalia. Everyone seemed excited and raring to go. The staff at the station (Cari, Joe, and LJ) couldn't have been more helpful and welcoming. I mean, really, photographing a bunch of strangers in their skivvys has to be a bit nerve-racking (for both parties), especially if you've not had your morning coffee.
We spent a couple hours going over protocol, talking about eliminations, getting to know one another. After our "before shots" the other Hanford team members and I decided to have one last hurrah at In-N-Out before meeting with the trainer Mike at In-Shape. I can't even explain how much I savored that cheeseburger. I know it's going to be hard to change eating patterns that have become well established over a number of years. And cheeseburgers aren't really my weakness. My biggest challenge will be (and this is going to sound awful) giving up the Friday night beer after a long week at work. Doesn't that sound ridiculous? Not chocolate, not burgers, not nachos, but beer. Makes me sound like an alcoholic.
(I'm not, in case you were wondering)
Meeting Mike was quite the adventure. He is very knowledgeable, despite his young age, and he's excited to see us succeed. The time at the gym was most eye-opening. I have always understood that I was heavy, but I wasn't prepared for the extent of that heaviness. The percentage of fat in my body doesn't seem like a reality, but there it was, plain as day, on the screen of his digital reader. That was probably the first time I actually wanted to cry, but I managed to take a deep breath and surrender to what the facts are. I'm overweight, it's of my own doing, and now I've got an opportunity to do something about it.
Kim and I squeezed in a workout on Saturday, after weigh in. I haven't worked out since then (unless you call jumping up and down and screaming at the Cardinals exercise). I have been very careful about food for the last couple days, and I did manage to drink my full 64 ounces of water today, which is very challenging for a classroom teacher (I won't go into details). I've got my gear on and I'm heading to the gym for a bit of a walk on the treadmill. My first one-on-one day with Mike is tomorrow.
Let's get this show on the road. . .
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