I just ate, and I'm still hungry. My metabolism must be working overtime. I had a relatively healthy, very delicious, Carl's Jr. Charbroiled BBQ Chicken Sandwich. On a honey wheat bun, no less. And I was feeling pretty good about it until I went to the website to get the nutrition information for my Fitday.com journal and noticed that it had 1150mg of sodium!! What!? ELEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY MILLIGRAMS! Yikes!! That's like half my sodium intake for the day. At least. Today has already been the most trying of days and now I can't get this out of my head.
I hit the gym relatively grouchy today. I managed all my workout (lower body and cardio) but didn't have the euphoric feeling that I usually do when I leave the gym. I was in such rare form that I stuck my tongue out at Trainer Mike when he said hello to me. My feisty-ness reared it's ugly head. I sat at dinner with my boyfriend and really started to feel very sad about the possibility of being eliminated next week. I know, in my head, that the big prize of this challenge is not the iPod or the gym membership. Still, for the first time, I've started to question whether or not I'm doing everything I can to be successful at this endeavor. My boyfriend (and all my other wonderful supporters--you know who you are) assures me that I'm on the right track and doing a great job. But in the back of my mind, during my own private 'pity party', I wonder if "a great job" is going to be good enough.
So did I mention that I was hungry?
I didn't make my 1600 calories today and I'm thinking that a protein shake might be in order, but I'm not sure about the time. It's after 8, but if I stay up and work until 10 it will most likely be okay.
Ugh, my brain in not in the mood to process all of this. . .gggrrr.
Sorry about the sodium. I usually don't have much in a day, so it isn't that big of a deal. Unless I'm eating Subway, I only eat out once in a day. And that's occasionally. Your beat bet is to make up meals in advance. Less hassle that way. My staple is chicken, rice, and a veggie.