Or football. Or soccer. Or team-workouts for that matter.
Somehow I didn't get that memo. . .
Today was, what I consider to be, my weakest showing for a team workout thus far. First, it was odd without Hillary. I couldn't help but feel sad about not having her there. Second, there was a lot of running involved. And I'm not a runner. And because I keep saying that "I'm not a runner", my brain has convinced my body that "I'm not a runner." Self-defeatism at it's finest. Mike had us compete 2 against 2 for an extra one-hour training session. Patti and Kim won. I cried because it took me forever to get through 200 jumps with the rope, and then again because it took equally as long to do 50 full sit-ups, even with the team cheering me on. I cried in the locker room after the girls had left, and then again in the car on the way home. It's been a virtual evening of tears.
Sometimes there are days that are "just those kind of days." And today was one of them. But, being the eternal optimist, I choose to focus on the positive. Here's what I know to be true so far in this challenge:
1) God does answer the "just 10 more" prayers (be it reps, minutes, sit-ups, etc.).
2) My underwear fit looser (too much information, probably, but true nonetheless).
3) I can still do more jumps, sit-ups, reps, etc. than when I started a month ago, and I feel stronger everyday.
4) Weight loss and working out is NOT easy. It's just not. And sometimes it's not fun either. But the sense of accomplishment after a good workout outweighs the cons any day.
5) Coordination is not my strength, but that in and of itself keeps me laughing.
6) I CAN do a lot that that I didn't think I could in the beginning. I CAN run despite the fact that I say "I'm not a runner", I CAN spin (thanks to Patti who motivated me to try it, and Mike who sweated it out with us), I CAN eat right (and I don't miss fast food as much as you'd think I would), I CAN do all the exercises Mike throws at me, even if I'm not very pretty doing them, and I CAN manage my time when necessary.
So I don't call it a set-back. It was my own, self-defined "bad showing". And, thanks be to God, tomorrow's another day. I'm looking forward to a "do over."
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